Subjects Taught
Children at St. Helen’s College are taught the following subjects, some of which are combined into topic work in the Kindergarten, Nursery and Pre-Prep.
Reading and comprehension are the foundation of all learning in primary education and we inspire enthusiastic readers through our engaging approach. All children read every day; guided reading takes place throughout the school; our two libraries are popular, vibrant places (staffed at Upper School by a specialist librarian); we run reading clubs, reading sessions for parents and reading challenges; World Book Day is an annual whole-school highlight. High level, age appropriate questioning is employed to ensure that children are understanding a range of texts and developing imaginative, inference and narrative skills. As they move through the school, children learn to produce writing of increasingly sophisticated style and content. Scholarship clubs are run for English scholarship candidates and to prepare children for the high level demands of senior school transfer English papers.
Maths is taught in a systematic and creative way to ensure that every child masters the building blocks of this incredible subject. As children progress through the school, the maths they are exposed to becomes more high level and in the upper years most children are working well above their national curriculum level and, in many cases, accessing senior school mathematics for fun! The subject is enriched with online maths competitions, high level Maths Clubs for the most able and pupil-run maths clinics for younger children.
Most science is taught through hands-on investigation, and as pupils rise through the year groups, they become ever more able to devise their own experiments, make their own predictions and draw their own intellectual conclusions. Much enrichment takes place outside of the classroom, with fieldwork on day and residential trips, and visits to study centres such as the Amersham Field Centre to study Electricity.
Languages: French, Spanish, Latin
We are proud to offer an exciting linguistic journey here at St. Helen's College. The children learn Spanish from Ducklings all the way to Year 6. From Year 4 they also learn French, and in their last year, they learn Latin. Our comprehensive curriculum introduces students to diverse cultures. Through interactive activities, games and competitions, we aim to cultivate a love for language learning. The children’s language learning is crowned off with a week’s immersive residential trip at the Château de la Baudonniere in Normandy during Year 6.
Through historical enquiry, independent research, story-telling, drama and trips to places of historical interest, children acquire a love for and appreciation of British and world history.
Our Geography curriculum equips pupils with the skills and knowledge to understand the world in which we live, its landscapes, peoples, places and environments, and is delivered creatively through a range of class based case study investigations, digital mapping activities and regular outdoor practical fieldwork. A particular highlight for children are the coastal studies undertaken on the Isle of Wight residential trip in Year 5. The school weather stations also provide pupils with the chance to be meteorologists!
Using a variety of hardware and software, children from the Early Years learn to use technology safely, confidently and creatively. By the end of their time with us, children are able to communicate their ideas through a range of media, including animations, videos and websites. They learn how computer systems work and design and develop programs. Many children choose to attend Minecraft Club or other technology clubs.
All creative subjects have a high priority at St. Helen’s College and art is taught throughout the school. At Upper School, pupils use our purpose-built art studio. Our focus is on skills building in many different mediums and how to evaluate and critique work. St. Helen’s College pupils’ work is shown at art exhibitions and we have a strong track record of pupils achieving art scholarships to the senior schools of their choice. Many co-curricular arts/crafts clubs are run.
St. Helen’s College pupils are known as confident and accomplished public speakers. Every child performs publicly throughout their time with us, through class assemblies, plays and our annual speech/poetry recital competition. In their final year with us, the children put on a grand musical production at The Compass Theatre in Ickenham (recent examples include Romeo and Juliet, The Lion King and Singin' In The Rain). Regular theatre trips are run for enrichment.
We are a vibrant musical community. Every child has class music lessons from specialist music teachers and many children choose to take individual instrumental or vocal tuition or to join one of our many choirs or musical ensembles. There are regular opportunities for our singers and instrumentalists to perform, at informal month end music recitals, Harvest Festivals, Carol Services, Easter Services and our superb annual Singers’ and Musicians’ Concerts.
Our innovative personal development programme includes Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Peer Support, Growth Mindset, Relationship and Sex Education and more. We focus on set values throughout the year such as kindness, perseverance and courage so that pupils become kind, compassionate, curious and mature listeners, thinkers and speakers. With our Charity Representatives leading the way, pupils have the opportunity throughout the year to raise money for charities, take part in selfless service projects and, through our Eco Representatives, they have the opportunity to make their school and local environments more eco-friendly. British Values are taught throughout the school and are led by our School Council Representatives.
As the children progress through the school, basic First Aid is taught.
Through a careful programme of learning about the major world religions, children enquire into life’s ‘big questions’.
Physical Education
Our wide-ranging physical education offering, split into PE lessons and Games afternoons, encompasses sports and games including football, rugby for boys and girls, hockey, netball, tennis, cricket, athletics, basketball, handball, rounders, gymnastics, swimming and more. Children have the opportunity to play representative sport at house level within the school and against other local schools. Our record of competitive sporting achievement is very strong indeed.