School News and Head's Blog

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Posted on: 14/07/2023

Weekly News - Friday 14th July 2023

Wishing you all an enjoyable, peaceful summer holiday. We look forward to seeing all of the children return and welcoming all of our new families next term. Video Of Memories 2022-2023 Ms Thomas has very kindly put together this video of some of the events and activities the children have enjoyed during this academic year at school. We hope you enjoy it!  End Of Term News After a final tally of house points for the entire academic year, the House Cup was today awarded to Hibernia. Congratulations to all of the members of Hibernia who contributed to the win, and very well done to pupils from the other three houses who earned so many house points to make it a tight competition. The final house point totals for the year were: Hibernia  5261 Windsor   5173 Cambria   5051 Caledonia  4965 We would like to congratulate our Year 3, 4 and 5 prizewinners who received trophies and book tokens today to recognise an excellent year of effort and achievement.  The Upper School tennis finals were held this week. The winners were: Year 3: Mona C and Parth K Year 4: Simar C and Avar D Year 5: Tiya T and Aiden T Year 6: Arshia S and Xavier B.         We are delighted to announce the names of our new pupil leadership team. From September, these Year 6 children will be taking on the major positions of responsibility: Head Girl - Samara P Head Boy - Aiden T Deputy Head Girl - Tiya T Deputy Head Boy - Raiden B Caledonia House Captains - Dylan C and Nya O-A Cambria House Captains - Anand V and Grace O'H Hibernia House Captains - Luca H and Charlee G Windsor House Captains - Ryley J and Verity S It was an emotional morning for staff and pupils today as we said farewell to Mrs. Allery after so many years of service to St. Helen's College. We wish her all the best for her retirement and extend our deepest gratitude to her for the dedication, hard work and love she has shown throughout her time with the school. We said goodbye also to Miss Flemming, who has been a much valued member of the Lower School TALA team and has also been our Holiday Club Manager of late. We wish her well on her forthcoming travels and thank her for all that she has done. Mrs. Collier, one of our peripatetic music teachers, has been with us for some years now and we are very sorry to see her go as she expands her teaching at another school. Her pupils will miss her greatly, and so will we. Thank you, Mrs. Collier, for your service to the school and your commitment to the pupils. Mrs. Hawkes will be much missed at St. Helen's College; she leaves us today to relocate with her family to the west country. Mrs. Hawkes was a pupil at St. Helen's College herself and, as well as working in our wraparound care provision over the years, has recently inspired so many vocalists at the school with her love of singing, her extremely high standards, and her first class care for the children.  Our final staff leaver is Ms Kharoti. She will be studying in Brighton but we hope we may see her back at St. Helen's College wraparound care in the future. Good luck Ms Kharoti! Amazing Year 6 Show - Honk Jr! The children of Year 6 certainly rounded off their time at St. Helen's College with a bang this week, as they performed their musical Honk Jr! at The Compass Theatre in Ickenham on Wednesday and Thursday.  This was a spectacular show. The singing, dancing, stagecraft and acting were all superb and the costumes were just something else! We are so grateful to everyone who was involved in the production and we are so proud of our Year 6 children for their amazing efforts, talents, confidence and dedication. It has been a privilege to watch their dramatic talents develop over the years and we wish them all well, and hope that they continue to find joy in performing, as they leave us.   You can see more photographs of the Year 6 children in their costumes on our Galleries page. School Magazine 2022-2023 We have sent home a copy of the school magazine for each family. We hope that you will enjoy looking through this and reflecting on all that has gone on throughout the school during this academic year. You can also see many examples of the artwork produced by children this year in our Art Gallery online on the Galleries page. ABRSM Exam Results We are very proud of our musicians who have been working so hard all year, practising their instruments/singing and showing real commitment to rehearsal and performance. Since the last report, we have received these exam results. Well done everyone! Emily S 5G Piano 2 Merit Tiya T 5G Piano 1 Distinction Shaylen P 3M Piano 1 Distinction Arshia S 6B Piano 4 Pass Sienna D 5G Piano 1 Pass Anand V 5G Piano 1 Pass Caitlin P 3M Piano Initial Distinction Armaan V 3B Piano Initial Merit Aaran T 3B Piano Initial Pass Verity S 5A Violin 2 Distinction Aria M 3M Violin 2 Merit Millie B 3B Violin Initial Merit Arjun P 4L Cello 3 Merit Aran P 3B Cello 3 Merit Lavanya B 6B Cello 2 Pass Karter P 4L Cello 1 Pass Alex A 4L Cello Initial Merit Dominic M 6B Trumpet 3 Pass Zinnia M 4L Trumpet 1 Pass Evie J 4L French Horn 2 Distinction Hana H 5A Singing 2 Merit Aiden T 5A Guitar 2 Merit Arjun C 5A Guitar 2 Pass Luca H 5A Guitar 2 Pass Marco K 5G Guitar 1 Pass FREE Baby Mindfulness Classes Mrs. McLaughlin will have some spaces at her Baby Mindfulness sessions from September. These run on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. in six weekly blocks and are suitable for babies from birth until they begin to crawl. They provide a safe, supportive space for mums and babies to bond and take part in Mindfulness and some gentle yoga. The classes are available, free of charge, to anyone with a baby of the right age - parents do not need to have a child at St. Helen's College or be intending to send one here! If you would like to attend, or know anyone who might like to, please contact Mrs. McLaughlin at September 2024 Entry - Ducklings and Nursery If you have a child who will be eligible to join St. Helen's College in September 2024 (either into Ducklings or into Nursery) and you have not yet registered him or her, please do so at your earliest convenience. The next admissions cycle begins in September when the new academic year begins. Thank you. Next Term The School Calendar has been updated for next term. Please do look through and make a note of dates relevant to your child. The uniform/equipment list and menu for next term are available on the School Documents page of the website. Aman Sidhu  11th November 1977 - 30th June 2023 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Aman Sidhu, an alumnus of St. Helen’s College. Aman passed away peacefully on 30th June surrounded by his family.  Aman had been part of the St. Helen’s College community for over forty years and attended St. Helen’s College from 1982-1989 under the care of Mr. & Mrs. Crehan. The Sidhus have always had a deep connection with the school, unwavering loyalty and the pride that comes along with that. Aman’s children were also former students of St. Helen’s College, his youngest, Devan, having left the school just last year. Amongst the tributes pouring in for Aman were these from Mr. Crehan and Ms Drummond. ‘I remember Aman as a quiet but cheerful boy who had a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous sense of humour. In class, he was a hard-working student who took pride in his achievements. He enjoyed his football, and used to run rings around me when we played in Court Park! Latterly, it was a huge pleasure to welcome his children, Rhea and Devan, back to St. Helen’s College, and to meet Aman again. He still had that twinkle! His early passing is a huge loss to his family and to all who knew and loved him.’ - Dominic Crehan. “Mr. Sidhu was a very caring dad to Rhea and Devan and a great supporter of St. Helen's College as one of our alumni.  He always showed a great interest and pride in the children's achievements over the years and it is with great sadness that the community has lost such a loving and caring father and friend to many”.  - Shirley Drummond. A private funeral service took place yesterday (13th July), where family and friends were able to pay their respects and say their final goodbyes. We offer our heartfelt condolences to Aman's family at this difficult time.  The Sidhu family kindly wishes for memorial donations to be made to the Hillingdon Hospital Charity, a charity deeply close to Aman’s heart. The link for donations is below. The Summer Games Free Family Fun Day Presented by Hillingdon Libraries in support of their Summer Reading Challenge, The Summer Games will be at The Great Barn, Manor Farm, Bury Street, Ruislip HA4 8BD on Thursday 17 August from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. This is a fun, free, family day out and there is no need to book, families may simply turn up on the day.  There will be a story telling zone, a chance to try out games old and new with Past Times Pastimes and a craft zone where children can make their own Hero Arm, use recycled materials with STEM activity Pom Pom Propulsion and try out Bottle Bowling with the Recycling Team. There will also be sessions with Spectrum Drama. Jones the Bones is a medical exploration of the human body using a life size skeleton and his ‘minder’ who shows how the organs/muscles work together to enable humans to function, and Isaac Newton will demonstrate the laws of motion with a skateboard!   Dr. Bike will be there so you may also take your bike along for any basic bike repairs and Better Leisure will be running a mini circuits challenge. There will also be ice cream and coffee available. Perform In The Park Perform In The Park is London's first ever festival of children's theatre. You may wish to visit with your children to inspire and enhance their love of drama! You can find details here. Summer Tennis Camps Our tennis coach Mr. Stidder will once again be running tennis camps locally over the summer holidays. You can find full details here. Basketball Sessions For Girls Thames Valley Cavaliers are running basketball sessions for girls aged 7+ on Saturdays at Uxbridge College. You can find details here.
Posted on: 14/07/2023


At the end of this hugely successful year for the children of St. Helen’s College I would like to leave you with the short speech which I gave this morning at our final assembly at Upper School. The Year 6 pupils have been building up to their production of ‘Honk’ the musical based upon the story of the The Ugly Duckling and they performed this three times this week to a packed auditorium at The Compass Theatre.   The underpinning message which I have attempted to convey in this speech to Year 6 applies to us all….children and adults!  Have a wonderful summer everyone and thank you all for your unfaltering support this year.   Ladies and gentlemen, parents, teachers, and most importantly, our remarkable Year 6 leavers, today, we come together for our final assembly at St. Helen’s College of this academic year and to bid farewell to our Year 6 pupils as you prepare to embark on a new journey. And what better way to commemorate this moment than by drawing inspiration from the incredible musical 'Honk.' 'Honk' tells the heartwarming story of a little duckling named Ugly who finds himself on a journey of self-discovery, acceptance and embracing one's unique qualities. Just like Ugly, each one of you possesses extraordinary talents and capabilities that make you shine in your own way. Throughout your time here, we have witnessed your growth, individually and as a group. You have showcased your talents on the stage, in the classroom, on the sports field, and in countless other endeavours. 'Honk' teaches us that our differences should be celebrated, for it is our unique qualities that make us truly special. In the musical, Ugly encounters a myriad of characters who try to bring him down, questioning his worth and making him feel like an outsider. But Ugly never loses hope. He discovers a resilience within himself, a belief that he is destined for greatness. And our wonderful Year 6 leavers, that same resilience beats within your hearts as well. As you prepare to take the next step in your educational journey, remember the lessons from 'Honk.' Embrace the challenges that come your way, for they will only make you stronger. Embrace your individuality, for it is what sets you apart from the rest. And most importantly, embrace the power of kindness and empathy, for those qualities have the ability to change the world. Just as Ugly finds acceptance and love from unexpected sources, be open to the friendships and connections you will forge in the years ahead. Cherish the bonds you have formed here and treasure the memories that will forever remain etched in your hearts. As you step into the unknown, know that we believe in you. Believe in your abilities, your dreams, and your potential to make a difference. Each one of you possesses a unique voice and it is through that voice that you can create a lasting impact on the world around you. In conclusion, Year 6 leavers, as you spread your wings and venture forth, remember the tale of Ugly from 'Honk.' Be proud of who you are, embrace your talents, and have the courage to stand tall in the face of adversity. With resilience, compassion and a dash of humour, you will conquer any obstacle that comes your way. Congratulations, Class of 2023, and may the echoes of 'Honk' guide you to a future filled with joy, success, and the fulfilment of all your dreams.
Posted on: 7/07/2023

Weekly News - Friday 7th July 2023

Cancer Research UK Charity Week Thank you so much to every member of the St. Helen's Community who has been involved in raising money for Cancer Research UK this week. Our Year 5 children held a cake sale on Tuesday morning at Upper School which was very popular!   The school was pink and blue all over on Thursday when the pupils and staff wore their own clothes in CRUK colours in return for making a donation. Ducklings and Lower School children took part in a Danceathon on this day and the Upper School children enjoyed a walk around Court Park. Lower School children will also have the opportunity to 'Soak The Teacher' next Friday! The total raised so far by the SHC community is well over £1000. It is not too late to donate if you would still like to do so. Our JustGiving page remains active and you can donate by following this link:     Sue Blackstone We are devastated to share the news of the death of our former St. Helen's College colleague Sue Blackstone. Many families will remember Mrs. Blackstone who worked with the school for around thirty years, most recently as our Wraparound Care Manager. She dedicated so much time and love to the children of St. Helen's College before her retirement a few years ago and had been enjoying time with family and friends before her death. She will be very fondly remembered and very greatly missed by all. Ducklings Sports Day Today our youngest St. Helenians enjoyed their first ever St. Helen's College Sports Day in the Ducklings grounds, where they took part in several different activities designed to develop their future sporting prowess! Wimbledon! On Monday 8 of our Year 6 children were lucky enough to go to Wimbledon for the first day of the tennis championships. We saw some fantastic tennis and had a great day out. The children were a credit to the school and really relished the opportunity to be inspired by some of the best tennis players in the world!      Year 1 Trip To Mad Bess Woods Despite the heavy showers, rain did not stop play for Year 1 at Mad Bess Woods on Wednesday! The children had lots of fun playing on the lawn before going on a mini trek in the woods. Due to the damp weather they were unfortunately able to find many different minibeasts. After lunch they explored Mrs. Hunt's garden and found some of the sunflowers we had planted in the spring. One of them is now nearly six feet tall! They finished the trip with a visit from Pino and his ice cream van! All agreed it was a wonderful way to celebrate a great year.   Prizegiving On Thursday evening we enjoyed a marvellous evening reception and Prizegiving ceremony in The Evans Garden at Upper School, at which our leaving Year 6 children were recognised for their hard work, talents, personal development and contribution to the school. Our Guest of Honour was Peter Cregg who inspired the pupils by speaking about self belief and how to make the make the most of one's potential. It was very special to celebrate our leavers' achievements and personal qualities with such a ceremony, which included beautiful performances from the Chamber Choir and a stunning vocal solo from Minaya W. Thank you to all of the parents who attended, to the Chamber Choir and Minaya for their musicality, and to all of the staff involved in organising the evening. Year 6 Projects And Teacher For A Day The Year 6 children have produced some wonderful independent projects this year and on Wednesday these were exhibited around the school for parents and the other Upper School children to see. On Friday, Year 6 took control of the school as they became 'Teacher For A Day'. According to the teacher role they were assigned, they led assembly, taught lessons at both Upper and Lower School, assisted with supervision, experienced a morning of office work, cut grass or did other maintenance jobs, toured prospective parents, helped run the kitchen for a morning and much more. Everyone had a lot of fun and learnt a lot too! The Year 6 pupils also raised £447 for CRUK by buying raffle tickets in advance for the teacher they wanted to be!   Hillingdon Chess Tournament  On Sunday 2nd July, some of our keen chess players took part in the Hillingdon Chess Tournament. Mr. Foale reports that it was a fun, hard-fought tournament. St. Helen's College came third and individual successes were: Kamran-Cyrus A came third in Year 6 and got a bronze medal.  Leonard S got first place in Year 2 and got a gold medal.  It was a Year 2 player from another school who won the tournament overall, beating much older players to take the title, which goes to show that it is always worth uncovering a new talent and working to develop it, no matter how young you are! All the players behaved well and showed determination combined with sportsmanship. We are proud of all the participants. Musical Success  Minaya W (Year 6) auditioned at the Guildhall Centre for Young Musicians (CYM) on Saturday, playing her viola, and was offered a place! Minaya is looking forward to playing with the CYM Symphony/Chamber Orchestra while exploring composing and music technology.  The Guildhall Centre is super-selective and ranked number one in Arts, Drama and Music in the University Guide 2023 so this is a fantastic achievement. Well done, Minaya! Pupil v Staff Rounders On Friday afternoon, the staff took on the Year 6 pupils in our annual rounders match at Court Park, cheered on by the other classes from Upper School. As usual, it was a fiercely contested game and an enormously fun afternoon! The staff were victorious on the day. Move Up Mornings The teachers all very much enjoyed meeting the pupils they will be teaching next year during our annual 'Move Up Mornings' this week. We hope that the children also enjoyed seeing their new classrooms and meeting their new teachers. Nursery and Ducklings Parents' Evenings It was lovely to see many Ducklings and Nursery parents at the parents' evening on Thursday. We hope that you found the conversations useful. Year 6 Musical - Honk! Jr. Our Year 6 classes have been working very hard to prepare their grand summer musical production, Honk! Jr, which they will be performing at The Compass Theatre on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th July. Tickets are now on sale and must be booked directly with The Compass Theatre's box office.  There is a matinee performance at 2 p.m. on Thursday 13th July and if you are able to do so, we encourage parents to take child(ren) to see this show. You will be permitted to collect them early from school on that day in order to do so. It will be particularly valuable for the children in Years 4 and 5 to see the production as it will be their turn to stage their own Year 6 musical soon! There are also performances at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th July. The link for ordering tickets is here: Honk! | Hillingdon Theatres. Calendar Reminders - Last Week Of Term Wednesday 12th July - Reception class outings to Oak Farm Library Wednesday 12th July - 7.30 p.m. Year 6 performance of Honk! Jr. Thursday 13th July - 2.00 p.m. & 7.30 p.m. Year 6 performances of Honk! Jr. Friday 14th July - End of Term (Half Day) End of term pick up times are:  11.50 a.m. Ducklings and Nursery 12.00 p.m. Reception  12.10 p.m. Year 1 and Year 2 12.20 p.m. Year 3 and Year 4 12.30 p.m. Year 5 and Year 6 Funtasia will be running on the last day of term for Nursery to Year 6, located at Lower School - please ensure that you book a place for your child if you need it. Year 2 to Year 6 children will be escorted across to Lower School.   Summer Library Events Oak Farm Library are running some events and schemes to help children continue with their reading over the summer and to inspire them to try new and different books. You can find full details on their summer newsletter here. Summer Netball Camp Blaze Netball Club will be running a summer camp for children from Reception to Year 9 at Douay Martyrs School from 21st to 24th August. You can find details here. Hillingdon Leisure Complex Fun Weeks There will be two fun weeks at Hillingdon Sports Centre this summer. You can find details here.  

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