Welcome Back! - Head's Blog

Posted on: 06/09/2019



Welcome back to all of our returning families and to our new families who have joined our wonderful community: welcome!

I am sure that you have all had a super summer. I have had an incredible summer, relaxing, resting and socialising with family and friends but there is only so much of this ‘non-routine’ that I can take! I admit, I was so ready to come back to school to be energised by the buzz of enquiring minds and the energy of our pupils, staff and parents.

I am sure that you will agree that the children have embraced the new school year across the school. From our fledgling Ducklings to our new Year 6 pupils, there is an almost tangible sense of joie de vivre.  

As the children settle into their new routines, I have observed and overheard them discussing the ‘Golden Rules’ of working together as a community, writing and signing classroom pledges and agreeing how they can be their best selves.  Our informal school motto:

Strive for excellence
Help others achieve
Care for each other’

resonates around the school, along with our ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ behaviour mantra. Your children are amazing and I feel truly blessed to witness their awe and wonder each and every day.

As your children embark upon their new academic year, I would like to share with you all extracts from an article I recently read in Attain magazine to help you all settle into the school year. I have slightly altered the order but strongly recommend that you read the full article to give greater context!

10 Golden Rules for Parents

  1. Do read a bedtime story to your child every night (or hear them read every night as they move up through the school).

  2. Do teach your child to be independent.

  3. Do play games with your child (as often as possible) and teach them how to lose gracefully; this will also spark their creativity and help their concentration.

  4. Do read everything the school sends to you.

  5. Do be proud of everything your child brings home and wow at it no matter how huge, hideous, or unrecognisable it may be.

  6.  Do not compete with other parents about who has the most accomplished child.

  7. Do not take your child out of school early at the end of term or return late at the beginning of term.

  8. Do respect and believe what the teachers say about your child, and communicate with your form teacher if you have any concerns (it is teamwork that will bring out the best in your children).

  9. Do set a good example in phone etiquette.

  10. Don't feel the need to invite everyone to your child's birthday party (this may be difficult in Lower School but gets increasingly easier as the children get older!)

The full article may be read here https://digital.attain.education/.  

We look forward to yet another successful and joyful academic year with your children at the centre of our focus!  

Mrs. Drummond