Weekly News - Friday 31st January 2020

Posted on: 31/01/2020

1HC Assembly

DSC050591HC took us on a Roald Dahl journey during their assembly on Wednesday, reminiscing about their recent visit to the Roald Dahl Children's Gallery in Aylesbury. They reminded us all of the impact his books have on children and adults alike and the special message that kindness overrides everything. There was wonderful singing and presentation skills. Well done to the children and staff involved.




Year 1 Poetry

DSC05060Pupils in Year 1 were eager to share their acrostic poems on rainforest animals when Mrs. Drummond visited them in class this week. They delighted Mrs. Drummond by reciting their poems about a sloth and a howler monkey.







Year 4 Trip to Amersham Field Centre

IMG 5329On Wednesday Year 4 had a fantastic experience at Amersham Field Centre. The day was designed to extend their knowledge about Electricity and Energy which they have been studying in science lessons. The children had the opportunity to conduct experiments using solar panels, a propeller and models of a wind turbine. They also had a tour of the substation as well as meeting Michael Faraday! The afternoon was spent outside building nests and hunting for chickpeas in the woods.


Staff News

I am delighted to share the wonderful news with you that Mrs. Rance is expecting her second child in August. I am sure the children will all be very excited with the news of another forthcoming staff baby. Mrs. Rance should be with us until the end of this academic year when she will start her maternity leave.  

Chamber Choir

We wish our Chamber Choir well for this weekend as they will be representing the school at the London Schools Children's Trust Charity Concert.  Tickets are still available here.

Parents' Forum

The next PA Forum meeting will take place on Tuesday 25th February. If you have any points of school-wide relevance that you would like discussed at this meeting, please send these to your class representative as soon as possible. Class rep's should send any issues for discussion to Mrs. Smith by Friday 14th February please, just before we break up for half term.

Robins Nursery class do not currently have a class representative - if you have a child in Robins and would like to volunteer, please contact Mrs. Smith as soon as possible. Mrs. Smith can be reached on susmith@sthelenscollege.com or by telephoning the Upper School office.

As usual, we will circulate minutes from the PA Forum meeting to all parents after the meeting has taken place.

Pupil Welfare

Following the email sent to parents today, please note that if you or a family member is concerned about illness/exposure to the Coronavirus, the recommended action is to stay at home and call 111. Travellers or possible cases should not attend the GP or A & E clinic without speaking to 111 first.  

Pupil Safety - Upper School

Pupils must not be left unattended at the Windsor entrance in the morning prior to Mrs. Couto going on duty at 8 a.m.  An adult must remain with the children until the door is opened at the Windsor entrance at 8 a.m.